Corn Maze

Every year there are dozens of fun events, happenings, festivals and must do family activities in October, and we try our best to get to as many of them as we can. The Newberry Corn Maze is a perennial favorite, and we look forward to it every year. Unfortunately, this year it was very very hot, and the kids were restless and excited to be there, so I didn't get many great pictures.

Here is the Corn Hut, where Rebecca and Ryan could spend hours if allowed. In this picture are some of the kids from our playgroup who joined us there.

So, last year we did the corn maze and enjoyed the walk. Last year, the corn was about 3 feet high, and mostly dead. This year, as you can see, the corn was WAY over our heads, and the paths were hard to find at times. The walk was a little treachorous as there were several giant anthills housing fire ants. About 30 minutes prior, Rebecca had been bitten by about a dozen fire ants and had broken out in hives, so she was very wary of them. (Luckily Jocelyn brought her Benadryl cream.) Also, there were some pricker types of bushes which each girl walked into at one time or another and at various times we moms banded together to gently pull the prickers out of their hair, or to pull a girl out of the pricker bush. After the third time this happened, we appointed one of the taller boys to pricker alert duty and moved him to the front. He shouted back to the group when he saw some prickers so we could all avoid them. We got lost a couple of times as well, and it took at least 25 minutes for us to get out of the maze. Needless to say, we were happy to be out!

Ryan and Elyse held hands the entire way. They reported that they were protecting each other from the dangers of the corn maze.

Ryan was so funny (well ok - he's funny a lot.) He was a little nervous about this decorated area. There was an archway that hard to see in this picture, and other kids had just run through it. He was checking it out from a distance, not sure he wanted to get any closer...

Then, he put on his "fierce" face and quickly ran through the open archway. Happily, he lived to tell the tale.

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