Dentist office
Kid City
This picture amuses me. I asked the kids to give me their best fire fighter pose, and this is what they came up with. Becca is doing her best model pose while Ryan is being a super hero to the resuce.
Ryan loved the yellow brick road and spent a long time singing the song and traveling along the spiral path.
Ryan's favorite building in Kid City was McDonalds. He loved taking orders at the drive-through and bringing people their food.
Becca's favorite part was the doctor's office. She spent a long time practicing walking on crutches.
NCAA womens final four
Downtown, in the Channelside area, each team had a restaurant that was decorated to attract fans of their team. We chose to eat at Stuckey's which was the UCONN team's chosen restaurant. These are the t-shirts that all the servers and bartenders were wearing.
Cute kids
Easter morning
Easter weekend
This is how almost every attempt at taking a picture with both kids and Nancy and O turns out. We'll keep trying!
Best friends
Easter events
Here are Ryan and Jeffrey getting ready for the egg roll for their age group. Notice how carefully they are paying attention to the woman giving directions (off camera.) The rest of the kids were not paying any attention to the directions. They were getting ready for the race. When the woman shouted, "GO!" all the rest of the kids took off, rolling their eggs as fast as they could across the finish line. Ryan and Jeffrey at first continued to look at the woman for more directions. She of course was moving to the finish line to judge the race. They were very confused until Carol and I shouted, "Roll your eggs!" Then, they got to work rolling their eggs...I think they might have been the last two to finish, but still enjoyed it all the same.
Ryan has a huge sweet tooth. HUGE. He LOVES LOVES LOVES egg hunts, especially when there is candy inside the egg. Ryan has taken home quite a loot at each one. At this particular egg hunt, I allowed him and Becca to have 3 pieces of candy each and then they had to go play with their friends. While the kids played, I enjoyed talking with my friends, while I kept an eye on them playing. I noticed after a period of time that Ryan was all by himself at a picnic table across the playground from where I was standing. He was far enough away that I couldn't tell exactly what he was doing, and I figured he was all by himself because he had pooped. As I was enjoying my conversation, I put off going to get him for a few minutes. When I got over there to change his diaper I realized that he hadn't pooped. He was digging through someone else's Easter basket and helping himself to their candy. He looked up at me with a big smile, and said, "It's OK, Mommy. I SHARING!" Oops. So, we left pretty quickly after that...
At this event, there was a clown who made balloon animals. And what did the boys choose? Swords of course!