First day of school! Yea! Becca starts first grade this year. She has been assigned a fabulous teacher according to everyone we've spoken to. Unfortunately, we haven't met her yet. Her teacher, Mrs. Walton, had to leave town last week because of a family emergency, and we're not sure when she'll be back. So, Becca's class had a substitute teacher today instead. Becca was mostly excited about getting HER OWN DESK, so it seemed of little consequence that the actual teacher wasn't there. I think she'll do great. She got right out of bed this morning, and told me in the car that she loved school, and was so happy to go back. Yea! Ryan is in Pre-K this year. He got dressed and was ready to go right after I left to take Becca to school. Very bummed he couldn't go right away, and bugged Art the whole time I was gone, asking him when I was coming home to take him to school. After we parked the car at school, he sang the whole way "I'm going to school. Yea! I'm going to school. yea! and skipped at the same time." He was very excited to be back at school. One of his teachers is the same as last year, and he was in the same classroom as well, which made it even better for him. His teachers gave little bags to all the parents that had a cute note and a bag of tissues in it for parents who might break down in tears. Not me, I did the happy dance all the back to the car. We've had a wonderful summer, best ever in fact, but this past week we were all a little (ok, a LOT) edgy, and were definitely ready for school to start. Woo hoo!