- Rebecca is all girl. She often skips or dances/ twirls from room to room. Often singing at the same time. Usually both the songs and dance moves she has made up herself. She plays with her baby dolls, stuffed animals and (still) toy animals the most.
- She is doing well in Kindergarten. Her teacher told us at the first parent teacher conference that she is right on track, and she has experienced no behavior problems. (Yea!) Rebecca is learning a lot, and more and more often she seems to be able to report back to us what she's learning in school.
- Every day, she asks, "Where are we going?" If it were up to her, we would go somewhere every day all day. Last weekend, we had lots of fun events we attended, a festival, a fair, a birthday party, the circus, and more. After our third event of the day (around 5:30) she asked as soon as we got in the car, "Can we go somewhere else?" When we have friends over to play (an acceptable second choice to going somewhere) as her friend is packing up to leave, she always ask, "Can another friend come over?" Exhausting.
- She is just starting to learn to read in Kindergarten this year. However, as I predicted she much prefers to be read to, or to read stories "her own way." She is often disappointed when she read the actual words of the story. They are hardly ever as imaginative as the stories she has created.
- Speaking of imagination. She has a wonderful one. The other day she told me that she can speak to cows, and that she understands cats meows. She often creates a whole fantasy world and lives in it for a whole afternoon. She'll be happily playing by herself, and I can hear her acting out the parts of a princess, a fairy, and a mean witch all at once.
- Her newest obsession is coloring. Every day when she comes home from school, she immediately gets out her crayons or markers and stats drawing. She makes at least 20 pictures a day. We go through paper like crazy. She often draws pictures of things that happened during her day, or of characters in books she's read, or sometimes just make believe stories.
- She has a temper too. When she gets really mad at one of us, she writes our name on a piece of paper, draws a circle around it and then draws a slash or a x through the circle and brings it to us to show us how mad she is. She calls this, "X-ing you out!" Ryan dissolves in tears when she X's him out.
- She's in a phase right now that I hope passes soon. She wants everything. More of everything. Nothing is good enough. If you offer to give her one thing, she wants 2, or she wants the most expensive of the one thing, or a different version than you had intended, and is completely put out that you won't get her exactly what she wants. Sigh.
- Things she is excited about: She is 6! She lost a tooth, and has 3 more wiggly ones!