So- Rebecca never really went through the why stage when she was younger, and has apparently decided to make up for it now. Here are some questions I was asked just today...
Why do we have cars?
Why do I go to ballet?
Why did you get me a new toothbrush?
Why do our legs and arms move?
Why are they called trees?
Why does everybody have a mommy?
Why is my name Rebecca?
Why do I call you Mommy?
News and updates
Ryan's big news is that he is potty trained!! Can you hear the trumpets??? He's been doing really great, although still has accidents when he's having fun and at Disney...or at playgroup...but most of the time, all is well. I am very happy as he had to be potty trained before starting school next year.
About 3 weeks ago, Rebecca had her adenoids out along with 4 other minor procedures. The surgery went well, and so far, she has remained healthy. Even when Ryan caught a cold last week. She didn't get sick at all. Woo hoo! The hardest part of the surgery was the night terrors she had for about 10 days afterwards. Apparently a common side effect of the general anasthesia. She woke up in the middle of the night screaming and crying, but was mostly non-verbal. It took awhile to calm her down each time and get her back to sleep. One night when Art and I went to her, she pointed at the blank wall and shouted, "LOOK!" There was nothing there. A second later, she pointed to the letter E on the wall next to her, and cried, "The E! The E" and sobbed uncontrollably. Art and I looked at each other and didn't know what to do. I felt like one of those moms in the movies who doesn't believe their kid who is seeing ghosts or something. Happily, this seems to have passed.
Now that the weather is warm, we are spending a lot time in the pool. both kids continue to love swimming, and we expect to be in the pool every day possible. Expect some suntanned kids this summer!
About 3 weeks ago, Rebecca had her adenoids out along with 4 other minor procedures. The surgery went well, and so far, she has remained healthy. Even when Ryan caught a cold last week. She didn't get sick at all. Woo hoo! The hardest part of the surgery was the night terrors she had for about 10 days afterwards. Apparently a common side effect of the general anasthesia. She woke up in the middle of the night screaming and crying, but was mostly non-verbal. It took awhile to calm her down each time and get her back to sleep. One night when Art and I went to her, she pointed at the blank wall and shouted, "LOOK!" There was nothing there. A second later, she pointed to the letter E on the wall next to her, and cried, "The E! The E" and sobbed uncontrollably. Art and I looked at each other and didn't know what to do. I felt like one of those moms in the movies who doesn't believe their kid who is seeing ghosts or something. Happily, this seems to have passed.
Now that the weather is warm, we are spending a lot time in the pool. both kids continue to love swimming, and we expect to be in the pool every day possible. Expect some suntanned kids this summer!
OK- so my sister sends us a box of hand-me-down clothes every so often. Rebecca loves to tear into the box and immediately try on all the new clothes. This is the outfit she selected. The top is actually a skirt, and the hat was from Santa. She thought she looked very fancy. I thought that maybe fancy wasn't quite the right adjective. Any PC suggestions for the correct word?

We had a family morning at the bowling center a few weeks ago. The kids LOVED it. Rebecca preferred to use the ramp, as it increased her chances of hitting the pins. Ryan wanted to bowl like Daddy. I included the butt shot (which I'm sure my husband will request I take down as soon as I see it) of Art teaching Ryan how to roll the ball. We all cheered for each other each time. Very exciting. You can see who has the best form of all of us.
Art has had an amazing year bowling. He's bowled a 300 game several times, and had a series of over 750 three times too. He's quite the celebrity at the bowling alley. Apparently, when he bowls, practically the whole bowling alley stops to watch him. Needless to say, Art got the high score on our family outing as well.

Art has had an amazing year bowling. He's bowled a 300 game several times, and had a series of over 750 three times too. He's quite the celebrity at the bowling alley. Apparently, when he bowls, practically the whole bowling alley stops to watch him. Needless to say, Art got the high score on our family outing as well.
Go Ryan Go
Anyone who knows Ryan will attest to the fact that he is ALL BOY. This kid is part monkey, part cheetah, and part Energizer Bunny. From the moment he wakes up till the moment his head hits the pillow at night, he is go go go go. Lately he likes to somersault from room to room. This can take quite a while. Every morning, we have a battle over the car seat, because he insists he would prefer to sit in the car seat upside down, doing a head stand. I have been declared a mean mommy, as I refuse to drive the car with him in this position.
One of my friends recently asked me why I don't do more activities with other mommies at night. (She has two mild mannered girls.) Then, she spent a whole day with me and all of our kids together, and said, "Oh, NOW I understand. You must be totally exhausted at night. Ryan exhausts me just sitting here watching you chase after him." Yes indeed. I am wiped out by the time I get the kids in bed. Sadly, I can no longer catch him if he runs from me. He is way too fast. (That's the cheetah part.) AND he has figured out that if he runs one way in a circle, that I can catch him by running the opposite way, so now we sometimes have a standoff. Time for a new strategy...
Anyway- here are a few pictures of Ryan that showcase his personality a bit. He smiles all the time, and continues to make everyone laugh.

One of my friends recently asked me why I don't do more activities with other mommies at night. (She has two mild mannered girls.) Then, she spent a whole day with me and all of our kids together, and said, "Oh, NOW I understand. You must be totally exhausted at night. Ryan exhausts me just sitting here watching you chase after him." Yes indeed. I am wiped out by the time I get the kids in bed. Sadly, I can no longer catch him if he runs from me. He is way too fast. (That's the cheetah part.) AND he has figured out that if he runs one way in a circle, that I can catch him by running the opposite way, so now we sometimes have a standoff. Time for a new strategy...
Anyway- here are a few pictures of Ryan that showcase his personality a bit. He smiles all the time, and continues to make everyone laugh.
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