One of my friends recently asked me why I don't do more activities with other mommies at night. (She has two mild mannered girls.) Then, she spent a whole day with me and all of our kids together, and said, "Oh, NOW I understand. You must be totally exhausted at night. Ryan exhausts me just sitting here watching you chase after him." Yes indeed. I am wiped out by the time I get the kids in bed. Sadly, I can no longer catch him if he runs from me. He is way too fast. (That's the cheetah part.) AND he has figured out that if he runs one way in a circle, that I can catch him by running the opposite way, so now we sometimes have a standoff. Time for a new strategy...
Anyway- here are a few pictures of Ryan that showcase his personality a bit. He smiles all the time, and continues to make everyone laugh.
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