He loves to make people laugh, and LOVES to have other people make him laugh. He cracks up when he realizes someone is making a silly joke and begs to have them say it again and again and again. He has an infectious laugh and honestly he smiles most of the time. The expression, "Smile! It makes people wonder what you're up to!" is totally applicable to him.
He is in preschool 5 days a week, and absolutely loves every minute of it. He can recognize all his letters and numbers, can count to 20, and is able to write his name without help now. He is learning to write the other letters of the alphabet too, but still gets stuck sometimes. He loves circle time, and pays very close attention to the books being read, and the lessons being taught. When I pick him up from school, he is always able to tell me what he learned in school that day, and usually that "it was SOOOO COOL."
He's extremely well spoken for 4 years old, and insists on being told the definitions to all words he doesn't know when we're reading books together. People are often surprised at how well he can express himself, and the vocabulary he uses to do so. He loves to read books, and to have books read to him. The best present in the world for him is a stack of library books. He especially loves big huge books that have collections of stories in them- books with 500 or more pages are the BEST.
He has a HUGE sweet tooth. On Easter this year, he ate an entire bowl of candy when no-one was looking, and then proceeded to eat 25 more pieces of candy throughout the day, and remarkably he didn't puke once. Recently we watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and Ryan's eyes just about popped out of his head when it got to the scene where the kids entered the factory and everything in sight is made out of candy. Ryan went speechless, and then breathlessly pointed at the screen, and said in a sweet and desperate voice, "Mommy! I want to go there! PLEASE! can I go there?"... One of the hardest parts of parenting is dashing a child's fondest dreams...sigh.
He has really enjoyed playing TBall this year, and has shown a lot of natural talent for hitting the ball. He will tell you that he is a super fast runner too.
Having a boy (and a super active one at that) is a challenge at times. Art and I can get exhausted just watching him run and bounce and jump and skip and run and run some more. He doesn't stop going until he drops off to sleep at night. He is also a mischevious monkey. He is COMPLETELY aware when no grownup is paying close attention to his whereabouts, and takes those opportunities to get into mischief. Sometimes getting into a jar of Vaseline and rubbing it all over his body. Other times, getting into the freezer and eating the ice cream with an ice cream scoop. He requires more attention than Rebecca in that respect. His brain is hard-wired for "I wonder what would happen if I..." and all kinds of things happen because of it. A few days ago, he stuck a popcorn kernel in his nose just to see what would happen (!?!) Another time he filled the toilet bowl with toilet paper just to see how much it could take. Aye aye aye he keeps us busy!
Here is our little Ry-Ry as we call him. Isn't he a cutie?
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